Your first name:
Your last name:
Your age:
Your daytime phone number:
Your alternative daytime phone number:
Does the person you are playing the prank phone call on answer this phone number? Yes | No
The best time to reach you:
What is your relationship to the person being pranked? (Friend, brother, etc)
What state is the target of the call located in?
Daytime phone number of the target:
Is this a cell phone? Yes | No
Does this number have caller id? Yes | No
Alternative daytime phone number if the target:
Is this a cell phone? Yes | No
Does this number have caller id? Yes | No
Is there a day this must be done by? (ie. Delivery date, vacation date, etc) Yes | No
If yes above, what date?
Your e-mail address:
How well do you know the person being pranked? Explain.
Is the person you are playing the prank on a good sport who can take a joke? How do you know? Give an example.
Is there anything that would be particularly upsetting to the person being pranked that we should NOT bring up? Explain.
Are you aware of the person being pranked having any physical or mental illness or disability?
Please give a thorough description of the phone prank you would like done. We will contact you for any additional information that we need.